In March 2022, Congress enacted the Reform and Integrity Act, which reauthorized and revamped the system governing regional centers — entities that pool investments from foreign visa applicants to promote job growth in the United States. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) interpreted the Act as unequivocally deauthorizing the 600-plus previously authorized regional centers. The agency thus announced that the existing regional centers were deauthorized.

A lawsuit was filed challenging USCIS’ interpretation of the Reform and Integrity Act. On June 26th, a federal court judge in the Northern District of California issued a temporary injunction vs. USCIS. Consequently, Regional Centers are for now back in business and currently permitted to operate business as usual.

The injunction, however, is only temporary. This means that it is not a permanent decision. We will continue to offer our direct projects which afford certainty and stability as the direct program is permanent. Due to the lawsuit’s pending nature we cannot guarantee how long regional center opportunities will last.

Applicant's spouse

Children under 23 years old

…Đang cập nhật


The whole family (spouse/children under 23 years old) receives a 4-year conditional temporary visa to permanent residence

Children can study for free from grades 1-12, financially supported for all levels of study: college, university

Live, study, work, set up and run a business in Australia

Get permanent residency (PR) when you meet the conditions


Invest 1,500,000 AUD in Government bonds for 4 years

Carry out other investment and business commitments, if any, at the request of each State

Live in Australia for at least 2 years out of 4 years holding a temporary visa



Under 55
(There are exceptions)

Minimum assets

5,250,000 AUD

  • Have at least 3 years of experience in investment or business management
  • 1 in the last 5 years, the applicant is engaged in investment or business management and holds 10% of the company's shares or investment value of at least AUD 1,500,000
  • Commit to invest 1,500,000 AUD in Government bonds for 4 years
  • Score 65 on the Australian Government's migration scale


Evaluation and preparation of documents

Apply for State Guarantee

Apply for US Visa after receiving State Guarantee

Health check & criminal record application in Vietnam

Make a purchase
Government Bonds when requested by the State

Receive approval letter
Official and Regular Card

Receive approval letter
Official and Regular Card

Receive approval letter
Official and Regular Card


Thẩm định và chuẩn bị hồ sơ

Nộp hồ sơ xin Bảo lãnh Bang

Nộp hồ sơ xin Visa 188B sau khi nhận Bảo lãnh Bang

Khám sức khỏe & xin lý lịch tư pháp tại Việt Nam

Thực hiện mua
Trái phiếu Chính phủ khi Bang yêu cầu

Nhận thư chấp thuận chính thức và Thẻ thường trú nhân
Nhận thư chấp thuận chính thức và Thẻ thường trú nhân
Nhận thư chấp thuận chính thức và Thẻ thường trú nhân


In the 1940s, Fracking became the new mode of extracting oil in Texas. The state itself is truly endowed with an amazing level of natural resources and so has experienced very fast growth in its oil and gas sectors, particularly in Austin. Since 2010, oil production doubled within 3 years. Every year U.S. oil and gas companies invest an estimated $150 billion in horizontal drilling. This has led to the creation of more than 1 Million jobs nationwide. Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling are safely unlocking vast reserves of U.S. oil and natural gas found in shale and other tight-rock formations. This has led to Texas being the highest oil production state in U.S.

Since 1923, the western Texas oil field has produced over 35 billion barrels of oil to date. The development of Fracking technology has allowed the oil and gas industry to grow rapidly. An estimated 91 billion barrels of oil in shale formations are waiting to be tapped in the western Texas oil field.


Washington DC




695.662 km²


Tiếng Anh

POPULATION (in 2021)




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An EB-5 regional center is an entity established under the guidelines of the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, a U.S. government program that encourages new investment in job-creating projects. To qualify as a regional center, an entity must submit an I-956 application to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for approval.

EB-5 Core Values Always Pursue

In order to bring customers true values ​​and absolute satisfaction when working with us


The Project will be built and maintained by Texas-based company-Urbanovsky Advanced Construction, LLC, (“Advanced”).

Advanced is an industry leader in oil and gas field construction and maintenance services which includes excavation and sump pit pad construction services. Advanced has been in the oil field support business since 1999 and today maintains over 100 employees. The company provides construction, maintenance and operational services to many of the world’s largest oil and gas production firms.

Advanced has experience in building, maintenance and operations of turn-key saltwater disposal and recycling facilities throughout Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and North Dakota. From 2007 to 2014, Advanced Construction has built over 45 SWDs for third parties. Table on the left is asampling of the SWDs that the company has built, maintains and operates.

0 +
Successful customers of investment programs around the world
0 %
Percentage of applications approved
0 +
Successful US permanent resident application
0 +
Successful customers of investment programs around the world


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    The program needs consultation *


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